Translation & Publishing Tools for DITA


Simplify the translation of your DITA projects. Fluenta is able to parse a DITA map, resolving the references to all topics and subtopics, preparing a unified XLIFF file that you can send to your Language Sevice Provider (LSP).

Fluenta implements the translation workflows recommended by the DITA Adoption TC.


An advanced CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tool based on XLIFF 1.2 that supports DITA and other document formats. Supports In-Context Exact Matches, segment filtering, customization and more.

Swordfish is a perfect match for translating XLIFF files from Fluenta's projects.

Conversa DITA Publisher

Conversa is an open source graphical user interface for the free DITA Converter (ditac) from XMLmind that you can use to easily publish your DITA projects in multiple formats.

Conversa works right out of the box. Just install it and generate PDF, HTML, EPUB or Web Help from your DITA files using the default configuration.


KeysAnalyzer is an open source tool designed to report all keys defined and used in a DITA map.

A standard DITAVAL file can be used to filter out topics and maps when harvesting keys.

KeysAnalyzer provides partial support for Key Scopes defined in DITA 1.3.

DITA Open Toolkit

The DITA Open Toolkit, or DITA-OT for short, is a set of Java-based, open-source tools that provide processing for XML content authored in the Darwin Information Typing Architecture.

The DITA Open Toolkit is primarily a publishing tool used to convert DITA content into various output formats. The toolkit supports all versions of the OASIS DITA specification, including 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.